Protecting Journalists and Media Workers: Good Practice
The MFRR outlines good practice from EU Member States and Candidate Countries to protect journalists and media workers that can inform the UK Government’s work to establish the National Committee for the Safety of Journalists
In 2019, the UK Government announced plans to form the National Committee and Action Plan for the Safety of Journalists to “ensure that those who threaten journalists are held to account.” This committee will be the responsibility of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Home Office.
To support and help shape the direction of this much needed initiative, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) here outlines examples of good practice from The Netherlands, Sweden, South East Europe (Including Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and North Macedonia), Serbia and Italy that can be incorporated into the committee’s approach to this complex topic to encourage greater collaboration and coordination to protect journalists and media workers across the UK.