Depoliticising the Media landscape: discussing findings of MFRR report…
Depoliticising the Media landscape:
Discussing findings of MFRR report on Poland
28 January, 14:00 CET.
On 16-17 September 2024, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium conducted a mission to Poland exploring the changes in the media environment since parliamentary elections in 2023 which brought an end to eight years of government by the Law and Justice (PiS) party.
Following the mission, MFRR partners issued a report summarising conclusions made as a result of the mission.
While the report underlined overall substantial progress in ensuring media freedom in Poland, pressing challenges persisted. These included:
- Guaranteeing sustainable independence of the public broadcaster
- Continued political capture of Poland’s media regulators
- Media pluralism especially at the local level
To discuss the findings of the report, representatives of the MFRR will be joined by leading Polish journalists and media experts who were interviewed as part of the recent MFRR mission to Poland.

Oliver Money-Kyrle
Head of Europe Advocacy and Programmes, International Press Institute (IPI)

Tadeusz Kowalski
Member of Poland’s National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT)

Aleksandra Sobczak
Deputy editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza

Joanna Szymańska
Article 19 Europe and Central Asia Senior Programme Officer